Welcome to Jokes for Teachers

What kind of tree does a math teacher climb?
Geometry !
What do you have to know to get top grades in geometry ?

All the angles !

What kind of pliers do you use in arithmetic?

Multipliers !

If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have?

One dollar.

You don't know your arithmetic.

You don't know my father !

Jackie stood quietly as her father examined her report card.

"What is this 45 in math?" asked her father.

"I think that's the size of the class," she said quickly!

If I had five coconuts and I gave you three, how many would I have left ?

I don't know.

Why not ?In our school we do all our arithmetic in apples and oranges.

If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other,

what would I have ?

Big hands !

The teacher was giving her pupils a quiz on counting.

Jackie got things started by counting from 1 to 10.

"Now, Fred," said the teacher,

"you take over, beginning with 11.""11, 14, 23, 42, 26," said Fred.

"What kind of counting is that'?

" asked the teacher"Who's counting'?" replied Fred.

"I'm calling signals."I

f you got $10 from 10 people, what would you have ?

A new bike !

Why was the maths book unhappy

It had too many problems


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T.E.D.D.Y. (Draw in 2D - Outputs in 3D)

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Resepi Kajayaan
· 250 gm Daya usaha
· 100 gm Kesabaran
· 100 gm Keimanan
· 190 gm Keinsafan
· 150 gm Pengorbanan
· 150 gm Campuran akhlak mulia ( boleh didapati dari didikan yang baik dan sempurna )
· 8 sudu the rasa tanggungjawab
· 200 gm senyum secukup rasa
Cara-cara membuatnya:
Pukul semangat hingga menjadi kembang dan kental. Masukkan usaha dan kesabaran, gaul sehingga sebati. Masukkan keinsafan sedikit demi sedikit . Biarkan adunan menjadi lembut. Setelah itu campurkan keimanan , rasa tanggungjawab dan campuran akhlak mulia. Ia perlulah dibungkus dengan kertas ingin tahu dan ingin mencuba. Masukkan adunan tersebut ke dalam mangkuk bertimbang rasa dan tolak ansur. Hiaslah dengan senyum yang menawan kemudian bakar dengan tenaga yang ada.
U/p : Untuk mendapatkan kek yang cantik dan elok, jauhilah ia dari air mata putus asa walaupun setitik. Oleh kerana kek kejayaan ini amat sukar unutk dibuat, syabas kepada sesiapa jua yang berjaya melaksanakan dengan baik.
Category: 2 comments

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